
Please upload your documents as soon as you apply. All incomplete files are deleted after 30 days without notice. 

If you don't have a Quebec Permanent Code, contact us, or obtain from Issue temporally QPR

About Our Program:  Our program is every TUESDAY & THURSDAY Evenings for 17 weeks. The program is done ONLINE using Google Classroom. Students only come to Centre 4 times throughout program. 2 times for signatures and 2 times for exams.

When: August 13 to December 5, 2024.

Time: 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Vacation: Variety of Ped Days

Cost: $50 Registration Fee payable at Registration period. Cash, Debit or Credit (Visa or Mastercard Only). Physical card needed. No Tap!

Financial Aid is available to apply after you have signed schooling documents.

Schooling Requirements: NONE

Residency documents needed (everyone must upload a Medicare or Driver's License):  Note that these are requirements from Ministry of Quebec.

 Born in Quebec: Long form Birth Certificate

 Born outside Quebec in Canada: Birth Certificate 

 Permanent Resident/Canadian Citizen: Permanent Residency/Landing Paper or Citizenship Card/Paper and Birth Certificate. CSQ is needed. If no CSQ, you must prove that you have been living in Quebec for more than 12 months consecutively.

 Refugee Claimant: Valid CSQ and Birth Certificate (if you don’t have a Birth Certificate, we have a document that can replace it).  IF you are missing a document, you wont be able to be admitted to the program.

If your you are unsure which document to upload, please email me at [email protected] and I can tell you which documents I am expecting from you. 

This program is recognized by the Québec Government loans and bursary program under Student Financial Assistance