
Be ready to complete the comprehensive exam!
(Mandatory if you wish to practice your skills in this province)

The workshop is offered on three consecutive Saturdays.

Saturdays November 25 and December 2 2023

This course will assist you in your study preparation for the OIIAQ examination. It will provide you with the necessary tools to better your skills in taking multiple choice examination questions and mapping keywords and concepts. Our methods focus on the course content review as well as case study and real-life clinical situations analysis.


CDC Pont Viau
60 Lahaie, Laval, Qc
H7G 3A8



Préalables requis

Admission conditions

To be eligible for admission, candidates must meet one of the following requirements

Completed the Health, Assistance and Nursing course (5825)


Be within 3 months of completion of the Health, Assistance and Nursing course (5825)


Completed the Updating Program for Individuals who wish to Obtain the Right to Practice as Nursing Assistants (5840)


Enrolled in the Updating Program for Individuals who wish to Obtain the Right to Practice as Nursing Assistants (5840)


Registered to re-write the OIIAQ exam.