The objective is to enable students to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to weld materials using different methods, acetylene cutting, preparation techniques and tasks in a specialized area of the welding field.

After successfully completing 28 out of the 29 competencies necessary for the Welding and Fitting DVS, the student will be required to complete the final competency which is a 3-week internship. The student will use tools acquired in the Welding and Fitting DVS to seek out an internship at a welding and fitting company of their choice. The student will be expected to follow the health and safety rules and regulations of the industry and could work hands on in the welding sector. The opportunities for internships are plentiful and the hiring rate, at the conclusion of the internship, is close to 100%. During the internship, the student will be followed closely by their teacher and will be fully supported throughout the process.